Garlic Parmesan Cheese Chicken

Baked Garlic Parmesan Chicken is one of the best recipes you are going to make.  Juicy flavorful chicken loaded with flavor.

Garlic Parmesan Cheese Chicken



45 minutes

6 Servings


Chicken Black Pepper Salt Garlic Powder Cheese Mayo

In a small bowl combine mayonnaise, garlic powder, salt, pepper, and grated parmesan cheese and stir until well combined.

Cut the boneless chicken breasts in half so you end up with two thin chicken breast pieces per chicken breast. Place chicken breasts on a foil-lined baking dish.

Cover the top of the chicken with the parmesan cheese mixture.

Bake chicken for 30 minutes. Remove chicken from the oven and remove any liquids that may have accumulated in the pan.

Turn the broiler on and carefully place your chicken back in the pan and then under the broiler until it gets golden brown.

Serve with your favorite cold side, roasted veggies, or a simple salad.

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